Then select the same face on the other side with shift + alt + RMB. To set up for feather creation, use alt + RMB on one of inner edges. Last but not least we start working with different render layers. Setting up the actual feathery bits: First, subdivide the middle bit by pressing ctrl + r and then scroll downwards a lot to get about 200 or 250 divisions. Shading is the most important part as soon as it comes to photorealism, this is going to be the most difficult part, but as everything in life, practice and time makes the dream work! So we are going to take a deep look into surface imperfections, procedural shading and displacement maps. Then, step by step, we will start adding more details so our model is appealing to the viewers eye. Starting with setting up our scene properly and blocking out our geometry.

Together we will go through the whole process of modelling out a product. In this course you will learn how to set up a workflow for creating photorealistic product design renderings. If you always wanted to create stunning photorealistic close up shots of product you came to the right place!

Welcome to my Photorealistic Product Rendering Course with Blender!