The Crime & Justice Expansion Pack is sold both as a download (40MB) and on dual-OS CD for $79. Further included is a building suitable for a courtroom or police station and three new ready-made sets: Courtroom, Jail Block and Police Bullpen. The Expansion Pack also includes a police car, police motorcycle, SWAT van and props for lawyers, reporters, judges and courtrooms, as well as security-related props such as safes, security cameras, keypads and Secret Service style earpieces. Previously registered users of the Windows version can upgrade to the dual-OS CD for a $17 shipping and handling charge by contacting Crime & Justice Expansion Pack contains 70-plus new 3D storyboard objects, including men and women of three races dressed as policemen and SWAT officers with a variety of headgear and accoutrements, assault vests, night vision goggles, camouflage fatigues, etc.

Introductory retail price is $249 through Ap- a $100 savings off the suggested retail price of $349 direct from Innoventive Software at or from resellers worldwide. This new version of Frame Forge 3D offers numerous speed and feature improvements. A new, optional Crime & Justice Expansion Pack that augments the program's actors and props for those genres is also available. This cutting edge software provides a new way for directors, filmmakers and other creatives to explore, plan and display visual design ideas for presentation or shooting live on set. San Diego, California-based Innoventive Software LLC announced immediate availability of their dual-OS CD Windows/Macintosh version of FrameForge 3D Studio, the first 3D previsualization storyboard software with real-world multi-camera control.