Interpret key features and determine constraints in terms of the context.
MA.912.AR.2.5 Solve and graph mathematical and real-world problems that are modeled with linear functions. MA.912.AR.2.4 Given a table, equation or written description of a linear function, graph that function, and determine and interpret its key features. MA.912.AR.2.3 Write a linear two-variable equation for a line that is parallel or perpendicular to a given line and goes through a given point. MA.912.AR.2.2 Write a linear two-variable equation to represent relationships between quantities from a graph, a written description or a table of values within a mathematical or real-world context. MA.912.AR.2.1 Given a real-world context, write and solve one-variable multi-step linear equations. MA.912.AR.2 Write, solve and graph linear equations, functions and inequalities in one and two variables. MA.912.AR.1.7 Rewrite a polynomial expression as a product of polynomials over the real number system. MA.912.AR.1.4 Divide a polynomial expression by a monomial expression with rational number coefficients.
MA.912.AR.1.3 Add, subtract and multiply polynomial expressions with rational number coefficients. MA.912.AR.1.2 Rearrange equations or formulas to isolate a quantity of interest.
MA.912.AR.1.1 Identify and interpret parts of an equation or expression that represent a quantity in terms of a mathematical or real-world context, including viewing one or more of its parts as a single entity. MA.912.AR.1 Interpret and rewrite algebraic expressions and equations in equivalent forms. MA.912.NSO.1.4 Apply previous understanding of operations with rational numbers to add, subtract, multiply and divide numerical radicals. MA.912.NSO.1.2 Generate equivalent monomial algebraic expressions using the properties of exponents. Apply the Laws of Exponents to evaluate numerical expressions and generate equivalent numerical expressions involving rational exponents. MA.912.NSO.1.1 Extend previous understanding of the Laws of Exponents to include rational exponents. MA.912.NSO.1 Generate equivalent expressions and perform operations with expressions involving exponents, radicals or logarithms.
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